When taking pictures with a tripod, it is not so easy to get away quickly. Thankfully, this cow was not only very outgoing but also very social. Today, years later, I am no longer using a tripod for my photos but rather photograph my subjects with a hand-held camera, which I intentionally move while taking the picture.
This technique is also referred to as "Intentional Camera Movement". The so-called ICM method is attributed to experimental photography, which means that the rules of conventional photography are at least partially meaningless. It's practically impossible to shoot the same image twice and that is exactly what makes it so exciting for me.
The motion blur, mixing and overlaying of structures and colours is caused by the intentional movement of the camera with simultaneous long exposure during recording. This often results in interesting, picturesque effects that involve a special aesthetic. To underline this impression even further, I have my work printed on high quality artist canvas.
Most of my fine art prints have a standard 2 : 3 or 3 : 2 format with a recommended size of 80 x 120 cm / 120 x 80 cm.